Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the  Lord!  This is what the Sovereign  Lord  says to these bones: I will make breath  enter you, and you will come to life.  I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the  Lord.’” – Ezekiel 37:4-5

Dear Abby
Erin Thomas Erin Thomas

Dear Abby

Flooded with so many opposing theories and submerged in advice of every kind, I become so full of information that I can’t find Him in the still small whisper or the loud burning bush. It’s all disguised by a barrage of opinions, data, methods, and research, most of which I cannot even verify as true or good or right. If I am not careful, my interior life is no longer interior. It becomes an exterior result of a thousand Dear Abbys flooding across my screen and permeating into my heart.

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Shaken Down Generosity
Erin Thomas Erin Thomas

Shaken Down Generosity

Generosity has very little to do with wealth or financial giving. While it is essential to that, it stands alone as an attitude of the heart. True generosity is not just the initial give. It’s the shaken-down giving. The giving of the more you don’t have to give or from what you don’t want to give. The seller certainly does not have to top it off… he chooses to.

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The Creative Process
Erin Thomas Erin Thomas

The Creative Process

Last Fall, I entered into this creative process with God. With the realization that I was being remade, I dove in. As I learned to listen to the desires of my heart to explore creative ministry, I allowed the Holy Spirit a chance to get to work on me. Today, I launched Erin Thomas Creative, a “mixed media” collection of the various gifts and passions I have fostered for many years.

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Sanding it Down
Life, Faith, Growth, Healing, Change, Process Erin Thomas Life, Faith, Growth, Healing, Change, Process Erin Thomas

Sanding it Down

What I originally perceived as demolition has really become a beautiful process of restoration, an unhurried sanding down. Careful. Tender. Like the sanding down of a piece of furniture, the Lord is working to restore and preserve original beauty. This process makes sure to leave no gouges or marks, works with the sturdiness of the wood and its inherent qualities, and discovers the beauty found under all the years of use. 

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Life, Faith, Recovery, Growth Erin Thomas Life, Faith, Recovery, Growth Erin Thomas


One day during a run, I felt like God was asking me to use the time more wisely, to look deeper and harder into what this awkward season could provide. It was during that run when I thought about the rock in my shoe… and about how God wanted me to figure out which rocks I had left in my shoe and to begin taking them out.

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